is literature’s most infamous vampire, created by Bram Stoker, broadcasted on BBC First in the Benelux region and the promos for which, Creative’d by myself

The 15 second version of the promo is my favourite part of the execution, built on on the insight that our audience would be watching the show when the year is at it’s coldest and darkest: Dracula’s own domain. I wanted to make them feel like they were in that sheer darkness, where Dracula could leap out at them at any second. This proved to be the perfect edit for the short 15 second promo. My lead creative rightly suggested that it might be a bit much (or rather, not enough) for the 30 second version. This execution became about progressively getting darker, before - BAM - Dracula’s here…

I edited and pitched the promo, the lead creative was Meriem Adib, and the caption graphics were made by Rahki Imroz. The online edit was completed by Zoe Rixon and the sound mix was engineered by Aaron Cazzola. Production was Calum Shiels and Matilda Linder.


BBC Spooktober Halloween Campaign


Untitled Werewolf Cartoon