is an animated short I wrote, directed and animated, starring Colette Adams, Will McDaniel and featuring the music of FEELSHAME (formerly SHAME.)
(Click the video title if the feed below doesn’t work!)
My friend’s band were playing somewhere in Central London in early 2019, and I saw a guy in a yellow Judiciary hoodie do a standing backflip. The idea for a short about the joyous, crazy things people do in moshpits was inspired from there. It’s a mixed-media approach of hand drawn and coloured in characters and backgrounds, then digitally scanned in and manipulated.
Sharpie should give me a sponsorship is all I’m saying.
Most fulfilling was a chance to work with my good pals and incredible actors Colette Adams and Will McDaniel. Will is known for his incredible-not-at-all-horrifying puppetry and prop work, but is also a metalhead and talented voice actor so I had to get him involved. Alongside him, Lottie might well be the best actor I know, and I wrote the lead’s part with her in mind!
Bedfordshire metal upstarts FEELSHAME were kind enough to let me tear apart their single Corpser, giving the shorts its dynamic moments of loud and quiet.
The short has received these merits since its release
Writer, Director, Animator - Jake Pemberton Producer - Jake Pemberton, Marina Dovey
Starring - Colette Adams and Will McDaniel Music - FEELSHAME.
Background Art - Gerard Groves Sound Mix - James Murray